Foss Days



A club is not just a place to learn, but also a place to share and contribute, Here we indulge ourselves in playing games, conducting debates and explore various places, do gardening, participate in seva, in addition to this we conduct sports and many other activities.

“Collaboration is important, not just because it's a better way to learn ”

I am here to share a few points about my experience as a member of the FOSS club. I am a Computer Science freshman at Amrita School Of Engineering, Amritapuri. I joined the club in the first semester. Here, I am learning many new things, both technical and non-technical.I was extremely impressed with seeing the various activities that were going on in the club and I thought being a part of this would be amazing. I worked really hard and finally joined the club.

On Diwali, my friends wanted to burst firecrackers and enjoy a lot but the FOSS club seniors conducted a meeting and discussed about the disadvantages of firing crackers and motivated us and planned to go for a trip to Gandhi Bhavan Trust, an orphanage near Kollam and Organised games session for small kids there gave the children gifts,toys and had lunch with old people. It was one of the most memorable experiences I have had till now. If I had not joined FOSS club, I would have missed all these golden memories, I was moved by the sight of the residents of the old age home, which made me realize the value of what I have, and I made a promise to myself, never to do that to my parents.

We conduct many events like hackathons etc. in the lab and we participate and also organise internal healthy competitions to commit more pull-requests which were opportunities for beginners. Also we participated in CRACK FOSS contest which was hosted in Hackerrank and the participants were ranked based on their performances.

Additionally, we conduct many seminars, where our mentors help us in finding our interests and guide us in every aspect of life to become successful by providing the right path. They give us a hint to solve certain problems that usually occur while we work and also motivate us to work diligently to achieve a greater success. We are also taught the importance of seva and one of them was we went to the recycling center at amritapuri beachside and helped the people there in as many ways we could. We helped them in sorting waste and also helped them in recycling milk packets. This created an impact on us for selfless seva.

We are also given routine tasks. We also give presentations in the Foss lab, which has helped me overcome my fear of public speaking. We also conduct quizzes. Seniors are really friendly and help us without any hesitation. We are very thankful to the seniors for spending their valuable time in mentoring us and guide us to the right path. I feel that we are all one family and this thought makes me feel complete in the FOSS lab.