मेरा भारत महान
India is a motherland of Culture, Tradition, Humanity, Love, and Gratitude. We are so lucky and blessed to be born in beautiful India.
Why India so special? Why is India different from others? don't be exited by the end of this article, you will come to know why We are proud to be "INDIAN's".
India the second most populated country with a various culture, Different traditions and various languages, people with the different religions, lifestyles. but we all are together in one nation "INDIA".

Indians are quite different from others they know what is real LOVE, shows Gratitude, Humanity. they respect and worship everything even from the foot-ware to all the animals, birds, including objects. How Incredible is India? In India "Footwear ruled the kingdom[Ayodhya] for 14 years".

India is a Golden country with lots of River's, Mountains, Land-marks, Temples. Indians believe in the 'GOD' workship God daily in different way's, Ramayana, Mahabharatha has happened in this country, People Celebrates many festivals and enjoys festivals together! and Most of the Indians were nominal dresses and their lifestyle is so simple.

There were many different styles of Indian Dances with different costumes like Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Sattriya and many more from different states of India and attracts the rest of the world.

Many great Scholars, Scientists were born in this Great Country, Aryabhata,Bhaskaracharya, Bharati Krishna Tirtha and many more brought the very great name and fame to India. Tirtha invented maths from vedas known as Vedic Maths.
Yoga, Meditation and the Natural Medication technique's like Ayurveda were found and practiced more in India moreover India is the origin master of Great scholars and leaders.
So as of this, I am very proud to be as an INDIAN
भारत माता की जय
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